This research group brings solutions to enterprises, society and institutions in the excellency framework through R+D+i projects to give solution to the big challenges of aragonese society. Concretely, the group has three main purposes:
- Culture Reinforcement based on sustainability, bio-economy and eco-innovation through the corporate social responsibility and business ethics to different organisations and industries.
- Fostering the implementation of circular economy in Aragon, creating an innovative and collaborative environment (enterprise-university-administration-society) aiming to reach sustainability in economic, environmental and social aspects.
- Development of new methods, based on the environmental accounting and the socio-economic analysis, to encourage the efficient use of available resources in the region.
The group is conformed by researchers form 4 different universities, assuring the collaboration with several research groups and fostering the multidisciplinary of our work.
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Research Fields
Environmental Accounting and Corporate Circular Economy
Socio-economy of resources and sustainability
Society, sustainability and bio-economy