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Abínzano, I., López-Arceiz, F.J., Zabaleta, I. (2023). Can tax regulations moderate revenue diversification and reduce financial distress in nonprofit organizations? Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics , 2023, 94(1), pp. 301–342 JCR Q3 economics. IF (2023): 2.5 . ISNN 13704788.
Álvarez Etxeberria, I.; Llena-Macarulla, F.; Portillo-Tarragona, P. (2023). Editorial letter. Sustainability accounting, accountability and disclosure in a Circular Economy . REVISTA DE CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH ACCOUNTING REVIEW. Special – 26. p.p. 3-6. JCR-Q3, Business, Finance, IF (2023): 1.5 . ISSN 1138-4891.
Álvarez-Etxeberria, I.; Marco-Fondevila, M.; Zamora-Ramírez, C. (2023). Non-financial disclosure: isomorphism effect in the face of new regulation. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND) . 11 – 15. p.p. 8493 [22 pp.]. JCR-Q2, environmental studies. IF (2023): 3.3. ISSN 2071-1050. org/10.3390/su15118493
Bellostas, A.; Del Río, C.; González-Álvarez, K.; López-Arceiz, F. J. (2023). Cultural context, organizational performance and sustainable development goals: a pending task. GREEN FINANCE. 2 – 5. p.p. 211-239. 2023. ISSN 2643-1092. JCR_ESCI (Q1) IF (2023): 5.5 Business, Finance DOI: 10.3934/GF.2023009
Bellostas, A.; del Río, C.; González-Álvarez, K.; López-Arceiz, F. J. (2023). Innovations for sustainability in the roll-out of the Sustainable Development Goals. CUADERNOS DE GESTION/MANAGEMENT LETTERS. p.p. 1-21. 2023. ISSN 1131-6837. JCR_ESCI (Q3) IF (2023): 1.8 Management DOI: 10.5295/cdg.221794fl
Cunha Ribeiro, D. ; Pereira, N. N.; Moneva, J.M. (2023). Port sustainability initiatives: a study of brazilian public ports. GESEC, REVISTA DE GESTÃO E SECRETARIADO. 8 – 14. p.p. 12674-12693. 2023. ISSN 2178-9010. JCR_ESCI (Q4) IF (2023): 0.2 Management DOI: 10.7769/gesec.v14i8.2558
del Río, C., López-Arceiz, F.J., Muga, L. (2023). Do sustainability disclosure mechanisms reduce market myopia? Evidence from European sustainability companies. International Review of Financial Analysis , 2023, 87, 102600. JCR Q1_D1 Business, finance. IF (2023): 7.5 org/10.1016/j.irfa.2023.102600
Delsignore, G.; Aguilar Latorre, A.; Garcia Ruiz, P.; Oliván Blázquez, B. (2023). Measuring happiness for social policy evaluation: a multidimensional index of happiness . SOCIOLOGICAL SPECTRUM. 1 – 43. p.p. 16-30. JCR-Q2, Sociology. IF (2023): 1.9 . ISSN 0273-2173. org/10.1080/02732173.2022.2163444
García Ruiz, Pablo (2023). Ratings y rankings: el vínculo consumo-trabajo en la economía de las plataformas . RES. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE SOCIOLOGÍA. 3 – 32. p.p. a174 [17 pp.]. 2023. ISSN 1578-2824. JCR_ESCI (Q3) IF (2023): 0.7 Sociology
León, R.; Salesa, A. (2023). Is sustainability reporting disclosing what is relevant? Assessing materiality accuracy in the Spanish telecommunication industry . ENVIRONMENT, DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY. p.p. [28 pp.]. JCR-Q2, environmental sciences, IF (2023):4.7 . p.p. [28 pp.]. ISSN 1387-585X org/10.1007/s10668-023-03537-x
Llena-Macarulla, F., Moneva, J.M., Aranda-Usón, A., & Scarpellini, S. (2023). Reporting measurements or measuring for reporting? Internal measurement of the Circular Economy from an environmental accounting approach and its relationship measurements or measuring for reporting? . REVISTA DE CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 26(2), 200-212. JCR-Q3, Business, Finance, IF (2023): 1.5. ISSN 1138-4891. org/10.6018/RCSAR.467751
Llera-Sastresa, E.; Gimeno, J.A.; Osorio-Tejada, J.L.; Portillo-Tarragona, P. (2023). Effect of sharing schemes on the collective energy self-consumption feasibility . ENERGIES. 18 – 16. p.p. 6564 [17 pp.]. JCR-Q3., energy and fuels . IF (2023): 0 . ISSN 1996-1073.
López-Arceiz, F.J., Bellostas, A.J., Rivera, P. (2023). Are Mediterranean Nonprofits Adopting the Social Enterprise Model? Voluntas, 2023 p.p. [19 pp.]. 2023. ISSN 0957-8765, JCR Q2 Social Issues IF (2023): 2.3 org/10.1007/s11266-023-00576-w
López Medina, Alondra Yazmin; López, Iván; Pardo, Mercedes (2023). La importancia del deshielo del Ártico para México. CIENCIA ERGO-SUM. 3 – 30. p.p. [31 pp.]. 2023. ISSN 2395-8782. JCR_ESCI (Q4) IF (2023): 0.2 Social Sciences DOI: 10.30878/ces.v30n3a2
Lozano, R., Barreiro-Gen, M., D’Amato, D., Awuzie, B., Gladysz, B. (2023). Improving sustainability teaching by grouping and interrelating pedagogical approaches and sustainability competences: Evidence from 15 Worldwide Higher Education Institutions . Sustainable Development, 2023, 31(1), pp. 349–359. JCR-Q1 D1. Development Sudies. IF (2023): 9.9 . org/
Marín-Vinuesa, L. M., Portillo-Tarragona, P., Scarpellini, S. (2023). Firms’ capabilities management for waste patents in a circular economy. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 72 (5), 1368-1391. ISSN 17410401. JCR_ESCI (Q2) IF (2023): 3.6 Management DOI: 10.1108/IJPPM-08-2021-0451 DOI: 10.1108/IJPPM-08-2021-0451
Marco-Fondevila, M.; Álvarez-Etxeberría, I. (2023). Trends in private sector engagement with biodiversity: EU listed companies’ disclosure and indicators . ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 210. p.p. 107864 [9 pp.]. JCR-Q1 economics, Impact IF (2023): 6.6 . ISSN 0921-8009 org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.107864
Marco-Fondevila, M.; Benito-Bentué, D.; Scarpellini, S. (2023). “Old” financial instruments in “new” circular models: Applied environmental accounting in the banking sector for reporting in a circular economy . REVISTA DE CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH ACCOUNTING REVIEW. Special – 26. p.p. 34-45. JCR-Q3, Business, Finance, Impact: 1.8. ISSN 1138-4891.
Moneva, J.M., Scarpellini, S., Aranda-Usón, A., Alvarez Etxeberria, I. (2023). Alvarez Etxeberria, I. (2023). Sustainability reporting in view of the European sustainable finance taxonomy: Is the financial sector ready to disclose circular economy? Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2023, 30(3), pp. 1336–1347 JCR Q1. Business. Environmental Studies. IF (2023): 9,8 D1 (9/128)
Rabasedas, M.L.; Moneva, J. M.; Jara-Sarrúa, L. (2023). Circular reporting, strategy and performance in agri-food companies: a natural resource-based theoretical approach . REVISTA DE CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH ACCOUNTING REVIEW. Special – 26. p.p. 7-20. 2023. JCR-Q3, Business, Finance, IF (2023): 1.5 . ISSN 1138-4891. org/10.6018/rcsar.555771
Ramirez-Lozano, J.; Peñaflor-Guerra, R.; Sanagustín-Fons, V. (2023). Leadership, communication, and job satisfaction for employee engagement and sustainability of family businesses in Latin America. ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES. 6 – 13. p.p. 137 [18 pp.]. 2023. ISSN 2076-3387. JCR_ESCI (Q2) IF (2023): 3.0 Management DOI: 10.3390/admsci13060137
Salesa, A., León, R., & Moneva, J. M. (2023). Airlines practices to incorporate circular economy principles into the waste management system . Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 30(1), 443-458. JCR-Q1 business, management. IF (2023): 9.8. ISSN 15353958 org/10.1002/csr.2365
Sanagustín Fons, V.; Porto Pedrosa, L. (2023). Presentación. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE ORGANIZACIONES. p.p. 7-9. 2023. ISSN 2013-570X. JCR_ESCI (Q4) IF (2023): 0.1 Sociology DOI: 10.17345/rio31.427
Sison, A.; Ferrero, I.; García Ruiz, P.; Kim, T.W. (2023). Artificial intelligence (AI) ethics in business . FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 14. p.p. [2 pp.]. JCR-Q2. Physiology. IF (2023): 3.2. ISSN 1664-042X.
Wang, F.; Sanagustín Fons, V.; Martínez Quintana, V. (2023). Innovaciones en Organizaciones Educativas: el caso del Turismo Rojo en China. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE ORGANIZACIONES. 31. p.p. 141-158. 2023. ISSN 2013-570X. JCR_ESCI (Q4) IF (2023): 0.1 Sociology DOI: 10.17345/rio31.430
Yuedi, H.; Sanagustín-Fons, V.; Galiano Coronil, A.; Moseñe-Fierro, J.A. (2023). Analysis of tourism sustainability synthetic indicators. A case study of Aragon . HELIYON. 4 – 9. p.p. e15206 [26 pp.]. JCR-Q1, multidisciplinary, IF (2023): 3.4 . ISSN 2405-8440. org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e15206
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Redondo Mora, P.; García Ruiz, P. (2023). El impacto normativo en la familia: realidad, retos y propuestas. GESTIÓN Y ANÁLISIS DE POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS. 7 – 37. p.p. 81–95. 2023. ISSN 1134-6035
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